REA Signs MoUs with WaterAid and World Vision Zambia.


By Caleb Munthali

REA Chief Executive Officer Eng. Linus Chanda posing for a photo with Marc Nosbach, World Vision National Director and Yankho Mataya, WaterAid Zambia Country Director

The Rural Electrification Authority (REA) has today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with WaterAid Zambia and renewed its ongoing partnership with World Vision at a ceremony held at The Quorum in Lusaka.

Chief Executive Officer Eng. Linus Chanda highlighted that the synergy between these MoUs with WaterAid and World Vision is expected to yield transformative outcomes.

“Through these agreements, we anticipate a significant leap in our mission to achieve a sustainably improved quality of life for all rural communities. This includes better health due to improved sanitation and hygiene, increased agricultural productivity through reliable water supply and solar energy solutions, and enhanced economic activities supported by access to electricity,” he said.

Eng. Chanda explained that the partnership with WaterAid Zambia was founded on a mutual desire to address critical challenges in water scarcity, sanitation, and hygiene, which are essential for health and economic development in rural areas. He further noted that the renewal of REA’s collaboration with World Vision Zambia is not merely a continuation but a stepping stone toward more innovative and impactful projects.

WaterAid Zambia Country Director Yankho Mataya emphasized the importance of community involvement and ownership, stating that their participation is crucial for the success of these projects. “We must all work together—government, non-governmental organizations, and the communities themselves—to ensure long-term sustainability and impact,” she said.

Similarly, World Vision Zambia National Director Mr. Marc Nosbach commended REA for its unwavering support in uplifting underserved rural communities. Mr. Nosbach highlighted success stories from their collaboration with REA, such as the 48KWP Moyo Solar Mini Grid, which now provides power to the Moyo Mini Hospital and surrounding areas. Recently, World Vision partnered with REA to empower various women’s groups with solar-powered agricultural interventions.

Concluding the ceremony, Eng. Linus Chanda reiterated that REA remains committed to scripting a promising future for generations to come.

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