REA Achieves Another Milestone!
By Caleb Munthali His Royal Highness Chief Ishima with REA North- Western Regional Manager, Mr. Moonga and Lunosa Company Limited Contractor during the site handover The Rural Electrification Authority through…
By Caleb Munthali His Royal Highness Chief Ishima with REA North- Western Regional Manager, Mr. Moonga and Lunosa Company Limited Contractor during the site handover The Rural Electrification Authority through…
By Caleb Munthali REA Chief Executive Officer Eng. Linus Chanda posing for a photo with Marc Nosbach, World Vision National Director and Yankho Mataya, WaterAid Zambia Country Director The Rural…
REA Chief Executive Officer Eng. Linus Chanda (3rd left) with representatives from the Local Authorities at the Mazabuka Municipal Council Chambers shortly after signing the MOU's THE Rural Electrification Authority…